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Securinets Prequals 2K19 Write-up (Easy Trade)

by Aggies '19 2019. 3. 24.


This is a basic forensic question. This is my approach. I only used Wireshark Follow TCP Stream feature.

Fortunately, the provided pcap file is not big so I skimmed every line.

In the pcap file I found some clues for the flag. Between hosts exchanged the key and flag.txt is sent in a zip file.

>> 50 40 03 04 is the signature for zip file

I used the Follow TCP Stream function (Analyze >> Follow >> TCP Stream, shortcut - Ctrl + Alt + Shift + T) to downlad the zip file.

The string is 






And I saved it and when I opened the zip file I found the flag.txt. However, it needs a password for extraction so I looked through some lines. Easily I could find the password that is securinetsXD

BUT, this is not all. I had to decode one more time using base64. In the flag.txt file there is 

> c2VjdXJpbmV0c3s5NTRmNjcwY2IyOTFlYzI3NmIxYTlmZjg0NTNlYTYwMX0

$ echo "c2VjdXJpbmV0c3s5NTRmNjcwY2IyOTFlYzI3NmIxYTlmZjg0NTNlYTYwMX0" | base64 -d

Flag : securinets{954f670cb291ec276b1a9ff8453ea601}

Reference site: https://www.ctfsecurinets.com/challenges#Easy%20Trade
